Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate poster image

Koi to Senkyo to ChocolateLove, Election and Chocolate



Yuuki Oojima is a member of his high school's Food Research Club, whose main activity is eating snacks bought with funds allocated to them by the school. However, this peaceful and wasteful lifestyle is under threat as the upcoming student election draws near. Satsuki Shinonome, a major candidate and the head of the department of financial affairs, campaigns on a platform that includes disbanding meritless clubs such as the Food Research Club and redirecting their budgets to proper ones.

Understandably, the Food Research Club is in an uproar over this development, with president Chisato Sumiyoshi vowing to preserve it. But what can they even do to stop the highly competent and popular Satsuki from getting elected?

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Average score

6.80 out of 10. 1 vote.

Release date

06 Jul 2012

Total episodes*


Episode duration


TV rating



Visual Novel

*Total episodes includes sequel seasons / OVAs / movies. Information compiled from AniList and MyAnimeList

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*Trailer may be unavailable in certain regions

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