Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katri no Nazotoki File poster image

Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katri no Nazotoki FileLayton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery-Solving Files


#female-protagonist #kids


The Layton Detective Agency, a business that helps its clients solve unusual mysteries, is run by Katrielle Layton—daughter of the world-renowned archaeology professor Hershel Layton. Together with her assistant Noah Montoir and talking dog Sherl, Katrielle finds herself unraveling cases involving a newly purchased cursed house, a dress imbued with a "demon's curse," and the zombie of a client's deceased spouse, just to name a few.

Aside from her more quirky cases, Katrielle has been working on another unsolved problem: the disappearance of her father. Founding the agency was only the first step in her attempt to uncover the truth behind his vanishing. As she continues to take on client after client, each with wackier and stranger issues to tackle, Katrielle steadily closes in on the answer to the biggest mystery of her life.

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Average score

6.95 out of 10. 1 vote.

Release date

08 Apr 2018

Total episodes*


Episode duration


TV rating



Video Game

*Total episodes includes sequel seasons / OVAs / movies. Information compiled from AniList and MyAnimeList

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*Trailer may be unavailable in certain regions

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